Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Insights from a Kid's Meal

Chick-fil-A, you have done it again.  Wow'd me with the surprise in my 2 year old's kid's meal.  Today's 4-count nugget meal with fries and a white milk included Curious George Discovers the Stars.  A perfect pre-nap read which would end up impacting me way more than I had imagined.

*excuse me while I sneak back into my son's room to get the book so I can share some things with you!*

*whew, he stayed asleep!*

So, the book starts off with George in the country stargazing and trying to figure out how many stars were in the sky.  Obviously, he realizes this is a big undertaking and won't be able to finish counting all the stars before his nights in the country come to an end.  He decides he will have to continue his efforts when he returns to the city.  However, when he tries to look for the stars at night in the city from the rooftop, he couldn't see any stars at all.  The man says to him, "It's tough to count stars in the big, bright city...It's like trying to count stars during the daytime.  They're up there, but we can't see them."  George is distraught until the power in the city goes out.  George looks up and because the city was dark with all the electrical lights were out, he could see the sky full of stars again!

He determines the number of stars and calls them each by name. Psalm 147:4

Here is where it me...this was an awesome reminder that when God's gifts get brighter than He is in our life, we loose sight of His true, natural light around us.  It's a caution to me not to put more emphasis on the gift than Gift-Giver.

When we have the things of this world in their right place in our hearts and minds, we can see how bright He can be in our life.  Maybe some of the things around us on which we have turned up the brightness need to be dimmed in order to see Him more clearly.

But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy 4:29

What in your life is shining brighter than He is causing you to miss Him in the midst of His gifts?

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